small town trap

By Mark McKowski

While on the road, I often find myself in small towns that resemble home. I could be in Germany, but I’ve somehow wound up in their version of omagh. In fact, sometimes it’s even more like omagh than omagh is. These traps are all over the world. You could be anywhere. Then you walk into […]

It’s alive

By Mark McKowski

And now here we are. The world of the Boneyard is crossing over into reality. Merging into the same space and time as the rest of the world. It can’t be contained any longer. It’s bursting out of its cage, like a demented animal. What’s real? I am merely an observer, witnessing scenes that I […]

The bone collector

By Mark McKowski

An interview i did with Record Collector Magazine..   Mark McCausland is a guitarist/writer who lives in Omagh. If he is known at all, it is for his work as one half of The Lost Brothers, who have released 6 albums to date. He was also the lead guitarist in The Basement, who were signed […]

It is but it isn’t

By Mark McKowski

Welcome back to the Boneyard for another tale of the half expected. Another hack piece, straight from brain to paper. Does anybody even read this? Am I wasting my time? What am I doing here? What does it all mean? Let’s try and find out. If you can bare with me and follow my thread […]

“How one discovers Scranton ( or Arizona)”

By Howe Gelb

When we were 15 we hung out at a local pizza parlor on Friday nights and used up all our quarters ( coins ) to play illegal pinball in the back room. This was ceremoniously done while playing Sticky Fingers on the juke box and sparking up a Marlboro. It was 1972. Socially, we were […]


By Mark McKowski

HAIRY RECORDS / DIG VINYL (Liverpool) At the start of the 2000s, walking to Bold Street used to be a daily pilgrimage for me before band practice. Back then it was to go to Hairy Records, where you’d get into a lengthy conversation with the owner, and he’d recommend some band from the 60s you’d […]

a note from jolie holland

By Jolie Holland

This week’s very special guest columnist comes all the way from Houston Texas, via Los Angeles and everywhere in between. Jolie Holland is her name and if you don’t already know her music then you should go dust off the record player and immediately purchase a copy of her album Escondida. You need her music […]

Some thoughts on McKowski, by Colin Broderick

By colin Broderick

Once upon a time it was customary to listen to a new album in its entirety in one sitting to fully appreciate the work as an artistic offering. An album wasn’t just one track, it was an experience. A journey. Over time something of the old way of doing things disappeared. Music is doled out […]

The loner

By Mark McKowski

He sits at the bar, staring blankly into nothingness, his fingers > making mince meat of the beer mat as he waits anxiously for another > drink. The barman makes no effort at small talk as he pours him > another. With the glass now full and his bloodshot eye twitching, he > raises the […]

Nick Power Interview

By Nick Power

Nick Power is a songwriter and keyboardist in Liverpool band, The Coral. He also has five books of poetry out. The last available copies known to man are currently on the shelves at Boneyard HQ. We spoke by fax machine recently, it’s his preferred method of communication. This is how it went. Nick: Herman, have […]

Awkward but social

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