
small town trap

By Mark McKowski

While on the road, I often find myself in small towns that resemble home. I could be in Germany, but I’ve somehow wound up in their version of omagh. In fact, sometimes it’s even more like omagh than omagh is. These traps are all over the world. You could be anywhere. Then you walk into […]


By Mark McKowski

What was the first record you owned and do you still have it? The Heart Of Stone single by SVT. I lost it. But I found another copy a couple years ago. The original 7’’ is killer. Great band. Brian Marnell was the frontman. He was an impossibly good looking dude. Black hair falling down […]


By Mark McKowski

Obituary. The Basement, band. (1997-2007). Members: John Mullin (35), Mark McKowski, Declan McManus, Graham Hassle. Formed in the halls of st. Patricks High School, Omagh before moving on to the glamorous surroundings of Johnny lomax’s garage, they honed their “craft” to a semi-tolerable racket. Ambitions were high. Outlook however remained bleek. They moved to Liverpool, […]

all you need is love

By Mark McKowski

Chris asked me what this weeks column would be about, as he was about to start his sketch. I wasn’t quite sure. Had my well run dry? Or was I just  being lazy? I had received an essay from Jolie holland a few nights prior, and wasn’t sure if it was intended for the boneyard […]

A Kind of Interview with Howe Gelb

By Howe Gelb

Dear Interviewer. There’s no way I can answer the questions you put forward. And I mean no disrespect. It’s too late in the day and I’m too long in the tooth to attempt to clarify my existence of song or sell myself to those unaware. I can only tell you that I believe Ireland invented […]

the world according to Owen Colgan.. part 2

By owen colgan

And here we are, for the second week running. Owen Colgan has taken over Boneyard HQ and locked himself inside. It’s midnight. He taps away at the typewriter, a single bead of sweat dripping from his brow. His bloodshot eyes, twitching. His mouth, frothing. He pounds excitedly at the keys and laughs wildly under the […]

The continuous rejection of McKowski

By Mark McKowski

Hello again. Please find enclosed this weeks hack work. Straight from brain to paper. This hustle is engrained now. Just like death. There is no shaking it off. It’s all there is. All there ever was. Without it what else is there but routine. And I can’t face that rotten dance. So I tap away […]

A Long Long Road

By Mark McKowski

It’s a long way to wherever it is I’m going. Time to hit the road. After it’s too early. Before it’s too late. The destination is anywhere but where I am right now. And tomorrow it will be somewhere else. Somewhere a little further down the road.. I don’t stay anywhere too long. Comfort is […]


  1. Genuis of the Crowd McKowski 2:21
  2. The Crunch McKowski 3:45

Awkward but social

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