
howes about now

By Howe Gelb

This weeks rag is written by our man in Tucson Arizona, and honorary native of Omagh, the one and only Mr Howe Gelb. Take it away Howe….. Time & space are a funny thing. If it’s not one, it’s the other. Next thing ya know ya wake up in Scranton getting a fist fulla Guinness […]

The continuous rejection of McKowski

By Mark McKowski

Hello again. Please find enclosed this weeks hack work. Straight from brain to paper. This hustle is engrained now. Just like death. There is no shaking it off. It’s all there is. All there ever was. Without it what else is there but routine. And I can’t face that rotten dance. So I tap away […]

McKowskis obituary and the battle for the intangible

By Jack Burgess

McKowskis obituary and the battle for the intangible Don’t worry. I’m not actually dead. Even though this weeks article is my obituary, which is written by my good friend Jack Burgess. Jack is an artist in every sense of the word. He writes like a painter. He paints like a jazz guitarist. He makes films […]

Kongo and Gonzalo

By Mark McKowski

Above the guitar shop on Eggy Road is where Jongo and Honza lived together for 10 years. Jongo was the Belgian gypsy who owned and worked in the guitar shop. Honza was the Czech giant who busked every day from morning until night on Bold Street. They first met many years ago in France at an all […]

It’s alive

By Mark McKowski

And now here we are. The world of the Boneyard is crossing over into reality. Merging into the same space and time as the rest of the world. It can’t be contained any longer. It’s bursting out of its cage, like a demented animal. What’s real? I am merely an observer, witnessing scenes that I […]

Back at it

By Mark McKowski

On the road again. I’ve shown up to the check in desk at the airport, bloodshot eyes and grey skin. The lady at the desk looks at me like I’m a beast from the gutter. Maybe she’s right. After I get my ticket I realise my fly is undone. I need sleep. And a drink. […]

a note from jolie holland

By Jolie Holland

This week’s very special guest columnist comes all the way from Houston Texas, via Los Angeles and everywhere in between. Jolie Holland is her name and if you don’t already know her music then you should go dust off the record player and immediately purchase a copy of her album Escondida. You need her music […]


By Mark McKowski

WORDS: Mark McKowski & Howe Gelb.     MARK WRITES: SCRANTON TIMES I have returned home to Scranton. But yet I haven’t returned. A large chunk of me is still out there on the road. Somewhere behind me. Aren’t there certain cultures who wait at the airport for a day after they fly so their […]


  1. Genuis of the Crowd McKowski 2:21
  2. The Crunch McKowski 3:45

Awkward but social

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